This committee was formerly known as the Missions and Peace and Justice committees. Our beliefs lie in the ability to help both local and global communities thrive.
The Community Outreach committee organizes activities throughout the year for church members, friends and other community organizations to provide support and relief to community members and groups locally, nationally and globally. Outreach enables our church to do its part to live God’s word, providing support to those who need assistance the most.
Projects include raising funds for Earthquake Relief in foreign countries, fundraising with the Prayer Team to send flowers for our church’s homebound members. Annually, the committee raises funds for Blanket Sunday to provide a blanket’s warm embrace to areas throughout the world. Last year, the Committee spearheaded a fundraiser for Medical Debt relief, to help people pay off their medical debt.
In September, Community Outreach runs a booth for the church at Hooksett Old Home Day. This enables us to reach out to the community and let them know we are here for them. In September and October, Outreach collected money for the Crop Walk, an organization that helps communities around the world fight hunger. In November the committee reaches out to those in need of financial assistance by providing “Cornucopious Giving”, raising funds to help members of our church family enjoy a Thanksgiving meal. In December, the committee’s Angel Tree collection provided assistance to families in our community that needed help with gifts. Outreach asks the congregation to support this effort by purchasing Walmart gift cards. Families like to take ownership in picking out gifts and these gift cards helps turn this into a reality.
Outreach has prioritized Hooksett UCC to be a 5 for 5 church. Our church’s contributions to 5 for 5 means we are leaders in helping the United Church of Christ sustain national ministries. The Outreach Committee’s efforts have supported Our Church’s Wider Mission, One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen The Church, Neighbors In Need and The Christmas Fund.
David’s House
United Church of Christ
United Church of Christ – NH Conference
Ukama Partnership
Church World Service
Horton Center
Hooksett Community Kitchen
Bread for the World